Every year, Dengue fever caused severe sickness to thousands of people. In 2021 during January- October, there were 7,720 people suffered from Dengue. It was forecast that the number can be higher in 2022.
Therefore, COERR Mae Sarieng was concerned about the situation and organized the workshop about the knowledge of mosquito borne diseases like Dengue and Malaria and the prevention of diseases through the elimination of mosquito breeding sites in household and community areas.
This activity was conducted in Ban Mae Lama Luang Temporary Shelter, Sob Moei District, Mae Hong Son Province on June 18, 2022. 150 children and youth of 94 girls and 56 boys from 9 communities where they lived, participated in this activity.
The children and youth gathered in 9 groups and patrolled to each house and every nook and corner of their individual community. When they found the standing water containers, each group put effort to remove or turn over the containers. If this could not be done, abate sand was poured in that container to end the breeding.
The elimination of mosquito breeding sites activity was both learning and community service activities that made the community free from dengue fever and prevent sickness that had threatened their neighbor’s life every year as well.
